About Us
ThinkEV is the brainchild of entrepreneur Michael
Schuck who has followed developments in the electric
vehicle (EV) market for several years.
Michael brings his love for cars and his recently acquired knowledge of EVs, battery technology, and EV charging to a growing community of new EV car buyers in the USA.
With an easy-to-understand and no-nonsense style, Michael writes to educate
readers who are considering their first EV purchase or those looking to get the
most fun and value out of their Tesla, Leaf, Volt or other electric vehicle.
Michael brings how-to tips and insightful recommendations to ThinkEV.
A noted car lover, Michael has distilled his thoughts in a new eBook, The EV
Buyer’s Guide that should be out shortly on Amazon.com. When not writing
about cars, or talking to a manufacturer of the latest EV charger, Michael can be
found puttering around in his garage finishing up on his latest wood-working
Michael lives in Detroit, MI with his wife (a proud owner of a 2020 Ford Escape),
and his 10-year old son who dreams of someday owning a jetpack to get himself
to school.
Michael Schuck
Chief Editor