Outdoor Charging of Electric Cars. How to Charge an Electric Car Without Garage | Helpful Tips Plus Common Questions Answered

Yes. You can own an electric car without a garage. Below we discuss the outdoor charging of electric cars. We shall share with you helpful tips plus answer the common questions.

At home, you can possess a charging station without a garage. If your premises don’t permit residential installation of charging stations, you could do this away from home.

Available options include those you can access at your residence, shared residences, and public charging stations. With the right gadgets in place, outdoor charging of electric cars is possible.

Today’s reading will reveal a few things about what it takes to charge an electric car outside the precincts of a garage, what you need to stay afloat, and the necessary precautions and best practices. 

Can You Charge an EV Outside?

Can I Charge My Electric Car on the Street?

EV owners aren’t expected to watch over the vehicle during the entire charging process since the vehicle takes a long time to level up to a full charge. 

First, you’ll need to find an area outside your premises that allows you to run the cable from the EV to the dedicated outdoor charge point.

Secondly, install a safety signal to help pedestrians identify the charging cable. Finally, consider having a brightly colored cable protector.

Research into your local area laws regarding the location of EV charging stations. 

You could use kerbside charging stations, which allow EV drivers to park by their house and boost their electric vehicles without drawing power from their homes. 

Can You Use 110V Extension Cord With 220V?

Many mass-produced electric vehicles come with a charging unit that can be used with any standard 110v outlet. You can therefore charge an electric vehicle from regular household outlets. 

Any medium/heavy-duty extension can bear voltages to the tune of 600 volts as long as you stay within the rated maximum range and ampacity of the wires. 

Also, be sure to purchase receptacles and plugs that align with your equipment and existing outdoor-rated 220V outlet. 

Can I Charge a Tesla With a Regular Outlet?

You can get started on a regular power outlet with the right power charging station, power adapters, and extension cords. 

Some safety rules and principles are worth considering:

  • Carefully assess the wiring of the power socket.
  • Avoid cables that are broken or frayed.
  • Carefully check the power socket rating.
  • Watch out for heating in cords and connections. 
  • The shorter the charging cord, the better.

Can You Charge a Tesla Without a Garage?

You’ll need a hardwired charging station, commonly known as an Electric Vehicle Service Equipment (EVSE). The ESVE can be attached to either a freestyle pole or an external wall.

Luckily, many public areas, apartments and condos have taken the extra step of installing EVSE charging stations at their premises for easy public access.

Can I Plug My EV Into a Dryer Outlet?

A dryer outlet comes with 240V and 30–50 amps, typical of a level 2 charger. This can add 25 mph when fully charged overnight.

However, you’ll keep swapping the plug every time you have clothes to dry. Unfortunately, most 240 volt outlets aren’t designed for frequent plugging/unplugging.

Most drivers mistakenly use a Y-splitter charging cord (dryer outlet splitter). If someone happens to plug in the dryer while charging is in progress, there’s a danger of setting the house on fire in the case of overheating.

Is It Ok to Charge EV in Rain?

Water conducts electricity. Therefore, isn’t charging your car while it’s raining the same as swimming in a thunderstorm? Let’s discuss.

Are EV Chargers Waterproof?

Electric chargers are designed to protect both the EV and humans from electric shock. This includes waterproofing electrical connectors and fire hose testing.

EV chargers are rigorously tested to meet safety standards set up by the Society of Automotive Engineers.

“Federal law required manufacturers to test many consumer products for compliance with consumer product safety requirements. Electric shock is among them” – Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

Source: Unsplash

Can You Drive a Tesla in the Rain?

Don’t drive a Tesla in the rain. 

Tesla admitted in a past bulletin that a design flaw led to the rear panel ripping off in the presence of water/rain. This affected all Model 3 vehicles designed at their Fremont Factory before 21st May 2019.

Tesla has since fixed the problem. However, avoid areas with poor drainage as much as possible, especially those with deep standing water.

Can You Charge Pacifica Hybrid in the Rain?

The Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid is built for all weather conditions. A cross-section of users has confirmed that you can safely plug in the Hybrid in the rain with no issues. 

The charger is conditioned not to turn on until all safety conditions are met. It checks for possible faults and powers only in a safe environment. 

Can I Leave My EV Plugged in Overnight?

You can safely leave an EV charging overnight. An EV’s battery is built to eliminate overcharging. In some places, you can charge at a cheaper, off-peak rate at night. 

Is It Bad to Charge Your Tesla Every Night?

No. Charge your Tesla as often as you can. However, keeping it in a range of 30–80% is ideal, as suggested by Elon Musk in the tweet below:

Elon MuskSource: torquenews.com

Do Electric Car Batteries Drain When Not in Use?

Generally, an electric car battery pack drains a small percentage of overall battery capacity per month.

According to Green Car Report, some electric cars report a loss range of 2 to 3% overnight, depending on whether or not power-sapping features have been turned off. 

How Long Can an Electric Car Sit Without Being Driven?

Two weeks is the recommended “idle time,” given that:

  • Your tires can develop flat spots by being positioned in the same place for too long. 
  • Idle, half-full gas tanks can accumulate moisture. 
  • Critters such as mice may be attracted to the vehicle, consequently destroying small wires and affecting the car’s electrical system.

Is It Ok to Leave Tesla Charger Plugged In?

Avoid draining your EV completely (to 0% charge).

In their manual, Tesla emphatically state:

“The most important way to preserve the [Model S] battery is to LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE PLUGGED IN when you are not using it.”

Do Electric Cars Stop Suddenly?

Yes, especially when they run out of power.

Always check the dashboard for signals that you’re low on battery. Better yet, charge at every possible opportunity.

If your car stops, consider a breakdown provider who has a flatbed truck (a rope or a lift may damage the traction monitors). 

How Much Does It Cost to Install an EV Charger at Home?

Charging an EV with a 110v outlet is called level 1 charging. It takes a range of 4–5 hours per hour of charging. 

Level 1 charging is ideal for drivers who don’t travel far.

Level 2 charging involves 220v outlets. These are commonly used at public charging stations. They take half the time used by level 1 charging. For an eight-hour charge time, you could cover 180 miles of range. 

Level 2 charging is ideal for drivers who cover long distances or those in a hurry.

Consider a level 2 charger to help you get results faster. The BESENERGY Portable Level 2 charger is our hot favorite.

BESENERGY 32 Amp EV Charger Level 2Source: amazon.com

Its value for money includes:

  • 6x operational efficiency and charging time compared to level 1 chargers.
  • Works well with any J1772 electric vehicle.
  • It has a charge rate of 7.2kw/hour, with a range of 26 miles per hour.

Order yours today.

Featured Image by: Pixabay by Joenomias

Michael Schuck

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