EVSE, Level 1 EV Charger: 11 Things You Should Before Buying An Electric Vehicle

EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) is the EV-specific equipment necessary to connect an EV to the electric grid for recharging. Level 2 EV Charger is a type of EVSE that uses 240 volts and comes in three phases; it can recharge most electric cars in six hours or less, but costs more than a level 1 charger. The other two types of EVSE are J1772 and CHAdeMO chargers which both use 480 volts, but differ from one another in terms of connector design. All these EV charging standards have their advantages and disadvantages so you should research before deciding on what kind of charger you want for your electric car.

Is A Level 2 Charger the Same As EVSE

Level 2 EV Charger is a type of EVSE , which means that any charger that isn’t J1772 or CHAdeMO cannot be called EVSE. Level 1 EV Charger is the slowest type of EV charging system, and generally takes around 30 hours to recharge an electric car. Level 1 EVSE uses regular household 120 volts to recharge an EV. EV owners usually plug their electric car into a standard wall outlet overnight, if they don’t own a level 1 EVSE charger.

What level charger is an EVSE?

The level charging for an EVSE  is related to how much power it can supply. Level 1 EVSE uses a standard 110 volt outlet and provides 3 – 4 miles per hour of charging, which is too slow for most people. Level 2 EV Charger , also referred to as 240 volts EVSE, provides between 10-30 miles per hour of charge and require an NEMA 14-50 outlet (used to power large appliances like RVs and EVSEs).

J1772 EV Charger , or universal EV Charger, is a type of EVSE that uses 480 volts and comes in three phases; it can recharge most electric cars in six hours or less. CHAdeMO EVSE  is the other kind of EV charger that uses a different connector design and charges cars at 500-800 volts.


How does an EVSE work?

An EVSE works by  plugging into your EV and then plugging into an outlet. It must be kept plugged in at all times to use them for charging, but can be unplugged when not in use. EVSEs also give you the option to set up a schedule so that they charge your EV throughout the day while you are at work or asleep. EVSEs are easy to install and can be purchased online or at EV-specific stores.

The EVSE supply cable

An EVSE supply cable is  the EVSE-specific cable necessary to connect your EV to the electric grid for recharging. Level 2 EV Charger  needs an EVSE supply cable that comes in two different types. 16 or 25 feet of EVSE cable is best for garages with charging outlets, but extension cables are available if you don’t have room for one of these EVSEs. These cables are especially important when you buy the Level 2 Charger because these EV chargers need an adapter to work with any EV, so this is one accessory you should never try to get separately at your local hardware store.

What EVSE does a Tesla Need

A Tesla EVSE is an EV charger manufactured by Tesla. This works with all of their electric cars, but requires a different connector for Teslas outside the United States. The Tesla EV Charger comes in two types: either installed on your wall or as a portable device you can take along with you when driving your EV to new places. EV owners who already own a Level 1 EV Charger should upgrade to the Tesla EV Charger because it’s more efficient and can charge your EV twice as fast.

How much does an EV Level 1 charger cost?

How much EV charging equipment costs will depend on the EVSE and EV Charger you want to buy, as each type has different specifications. EVSEs come in different price ranges depending on the features they offer and which EV model you have. EV chargers can be pricier than EVSE, but cost less if you consider that only one is needed for your entire fleet of EVs. The Level 1 is the cheapest EV charger at only a couple hundred dollars and Level 2 EV Charger is the most expensive EV charging equipment at $1,000 or more.

Cost to Install and EVSE

The cost to install EVSE can range from  $10-15,000 depending on the EVSE and EV Charger you want to install. Level 1 EVSE can be installed by a contractor for a few hundred dollars but if it is not readily accessible then your cost will go up. Level 2 EV Charger  costs more to have installed because they require hardwiring by a professional electrician. EV chargers are the most expensive EV charging equipment because they also need to be installed by a professional electrician, although EVSE can help you install this EV charger yourself if it has WiFi capabilities.

Tesla EV Charger

The Best EVSE for the Price

The best EVSE for the money is  the EVgo Level 2 EV Charger for $995 with WiFi because it is the best EVSE on the market. As seen in this article, EVSEs are the EV charger that lets you plug into any EV and works at over 16,000 locations across North America. EVgo has Level 2 charging equipment in most states and they also provide EV drivers with the EVgo Mobile App to give them more control over their EV recharging experience. If you can’t invest in EVse for your EV, then the next best option is the Tesla EV charger at $500 because it’s also made by Tesla and is easy to install.

Michael Schuck

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