TT-30 Adapter For All Tesla Models Gen 2 – Reviewed

Over the last decade, the popularity of Tesla vehicles and TT-30 Adapter has grown exponentially. As people become more self-aware of the impact of vehicle emissions on our environment, the desire to own a zero-emission vehicle has risen.

In the U.S auto industry, Tesla is now outselling Mercedes-Benzs as the luxury vehicle of choice. Apart from the environmental benefits of owning a Tesla, there are also many other benefits of owning a Tesla vehicle.

TT-30 Adapter For Tesla Model S/X/3/Y Gen 2

In this article, we will look at the TT-30 Adaptor for Tesla Models S/X/3/Y Gen 2 and how it works to charge your vehicle.

What Is A TT-30 Gen 2 Adapter?

The TT-30 adapter is an aftermarket product that allows you to use any standard 120V outlet in your home or office to power your Tesla. The adapter plugs into the wall and then connects to the battery via a cable.

This way, you can plug your car directly into your electrical system without having to run a separate charging cord. It’s important to note that the adapter does not provide any protection against overcharging.

If you have a 240V outlet, you can still use it with the adapter but you must be careful not to exceed the maximum current draw (i.e., 20A) of the outlet.

In addition, if you have a 240V circuit breaker, it may trip when plugged into the TT-30 adapter.

How Does It Work?

When connected to your vehicle, the TT-30 adaptor provides a constant 12VDC output which charges your Tesla battery. The adaptor uses a DC-DC converter to convert the AC voltage of a standard household outlet to 12VDC.

Since the Tesla battery requires a constant 12VDC input, the TT-30 adapter converts the 120VAC of a typical household outlet to 12VDD.

When using the TT-30 adapter, you should leave the charger turned off while driving. Otherwise, the charger will drain your battery faster than normal and reduce its lifespan.

Why Should I Use A TT-30 Adapter?

There are several reasons why you might want to consider purchasing a TT-30 adapter for your Tesla. Firstly, most Tesla owners do not have access to a dedicated charging station.

Therefore, they need to find ways to charge their cars while away from home.

TT-30 Adapter for Tesla Model S/X/3/Y Gen 2

One option is to use a 110V outlet or a generator to charge their vehicle. While this method is effective, it is expensive and inconvenient.

Another option is to use a 120V outlet in your house or office. Unfortunately, these outlets are usually only found in garages and offices.

Finally, you could always buy a dedicated charging station. But, this solution is very costly and often impractical.

With a TT-30 adapter, however, you can simply plug your car into your existing electrical system. You don’t even need to install anything new.

In fact, the adapter comes with everything you need to get started. All you need to do is plug it into your wall socket and then connect it to your Tesla’s battery.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Using A TT-30 Adapter Vs A Dedicated Charging Station?


  • You can use your existing electrical system.
  • The adapter comes with everything you’ll need to start charging.


  • The adapter doesn’t protect against overcharging.
  • It takes longer to charge your car.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Charge My Tesla With An Adaptor That Works On 240V Outlets

Yes! As long as you’re careful about how much power you put through the adapter, you can use it on a 240V circuit. Just make sure you stay below the maximum current draw (20A).

How Much Power Do I Need To Connect My Car Via The TT-30 Adapter? Is It Enough?

The TT-30 adapter has a capacity of 7kWh. So, if you plan to drive more than 250 miles per day, you’ll probably need to purchase another adapter.

However, if you plan to travel less than 250 miles per day or you just want to keep your battery charged up at night, you won’t need to worry too much.

What About Overloading? Will My Battery Be Damaged By Using Too Many Amps?

Overloading the battery can cause damage to the cells. If you’re concerned about this possibility, you may want to invest in an external battery charger.

Does This Charger Work With All Teslas?

No! The TT-30 adapter works with Tesla Model S/X, 3/Y Gen 1, and Gen 2 vehicles.

Is There Any Warranty?

Yes! Tesla offers a one-year warranty on all of its products. If there is any problem, they will replace your product free of charge.

Tesla is known for being one of the best customer servicing organizations in the market! If you have an issue, just let them know.

Are There Any Other Adapters For Tesla?

There are other adapters available for Tesla models. However, they all require special cables that connect to the battery terminals.

These adapters cannot be used with regular household outlets.


While a TT-30 adapter isn’t as convenient as a dedicated charging station, it is still an excellent choice.

It allows you to continue using your existing electrical system without having to spend additional money. If you’re looking for something simple and inexpensive, then the TT-30 adapter is what you need.

We recommend using a TT-30 adapter because it does not require any installation. This means that you will not have to make any modifications to your house wiring. As such, it is safe to say that you can use your existing electric sockets.

However, if you already have a Tesla and would like to add a dedicated charging station, then you should definitely consider buying one.

It offers many advantages over a TT-30 adapter including better protection against overcharging and faster charging times.

Michael Schuck

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